IEP, 504, ELL
Baker Early College offers additional support for students who qualify for special education (IEP), Section 504, and/or ELL services. Services for identified students may vary, depending on each student's specific needs. If you are a parent of a child who is enrolled with BEC who has not yet been identified for specialized supports, you may request testing to determine initial eligibility.
BEC is committed to providing appropriate services for all enrolled students, regardless of eligibility status or category. Our special education team will work to assure curriculum, interventions, and supports meet each students' individualized needs. Additionally, BEC will help students setup accommodations through their local community college. It is important to note that not all accommodations may be accepted by the community college as colleges and K-12 schools have different federal laws and guidelines for disability accommodation.
Please contact your child's counselor regarding IEP, 504, ELL or other individualized programs, or to request more information about the eligibility process. For additional support, please contact Barry Nemec, Baker School District's Special Education Director, through the link below.