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We understand that high school is so much more than academics — it's friendship and fun, sports and prom. We're happy to offer a variety of ways to keep the cool in sc(h)ool!


Whether you want to connect with fellow BEC students in person or virtually, we have regular opportunities to make friends, have fun, and explore interests. Each month our Student Leaders plan a social event in each region — bowling, ice skating, game nights, escape rooms, and more — and BEC picks up the bill! Don't feel comfortable going it alone? No problem: we cover the cost for you to bring a high-school-aged friend too.

Image by Brooke Cagle
Image by Amy Kate


What would high school be without prom? At BEC you don't have to wonder! We host an annual prom in regions all over Oregon. It's our best and biggest event of the year. ​The same is true for the other quinessential high school experience: graduation! We would never dream of robbing our seniors of the opportunity to walk across the stage and celebrate this important milestone. 


Each year, 11th and 12th graders in each region are invited to be part of our student leadership program. Student leaders meet regularly to contribute to the Baker Early College community. From planning in-person events to hosting virtual gatherings, there's a variety of responsibilities to take on. Not only is is a fun way to get involved and give back to Baker Early College, but it also provides an opportunity to shape your school's community and culture. Plus, it's an excellent addition to any resume or college application!

Students Sitting on Staircase
Classmates in the Library


An optional student mentorship program, Baker Buddies partners returning students with new students. Mentor students have been with BEC for at least one year, are in good academic standing, and have volunteered to serve as mentors. We pair new 9th graders with current 10th grade students who completed our 9th grade program, and we partner new 10-12th grade students with mentor students who attend the same community college. These buddy relationships can be as minimal as having someone to text to ask their opinion on a professor, to as involved as a weekly meeting time.


As an associate member of the Oregon Sports and Activities Associate (OSAA), our students are eligible to participate in any OSAA sport/activity at their local high school. By law, these schools must allow our students participate and students will not be responsible for any associated cost outside of a regular "pay-to-play" fee that other students at that school would also be responsible for paying. Click here to see a full list of OSAA sports and activities.

Basketball Match
Drama Students


Each community college offers a wide variety of clubs that enrolled students are welcome to join. If you're a BEC student, attending your local community college, that's you! At the beginning of each term, most colleges offer a club fair where you can get an idea of what clubs are offered, chat with students already involved, and even sign up to join. Don't see a club you want to join? Consider starting your own! Either way, you'll connect with a group of local college students who care about the same things you do. 

©2025 by Baker Early College.

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